Wall Street Journal article promotes government-funded health solution

Wow. I have a hard time believing that the WSJ covered this story. However, if you want to read one doctor’s opinion of fixing healthcare cost and overhead, check out the article in The Wall Street Journal, Government-Funded Care Is the Best Health Solution. If you’re like me, sick of changing healthcare plans and providers […]

My Google Calendar is up and running

I was fortunate to be online late last night catching up on my Web 2.0 reading. I saw the report posted at 9:00 PM PST from Elinor Mills at CNET and similar announcement by Michael Arrington at TechCrunch that the Google Calendar was live. I quickly jumped in and created my account. As reported by […]


Apple’s Boot Camp was exciting news. I’ve watched with interest the efforts of the best programmers/hackers getting Windows on the new Intel-based iMacs and MacBook Pro. I wrote about this earlier, but as a new Mac user, I’m not sure that being able to boot Windows would be a big incentive for me personally. However, […]

WSJ article on Facebook value and potential sale

Looks like Facebook has 100 employess. Bigger than I thought, but still a very small group for a $750M+ acquisition target. Today’s Wall Street Journal reports that Accel, the VC that placed ~$13M in Facebok thinks there’s “the potential to be worth more than $2 billion, based on economic fundamentals and the value of its […]

I spent some time on MySpace…they’re cleaning up a bit

I spent some time on MySpace over the weekend. As I was working on a new site for our golf group (www.darksidegolf.com), I needed to visit a buddy’s site to pull down an image he created. It looks like a minor facelift and some improvments. Still found the site to be dog slow and a […]

Got Entourage to sync to my corp Exchange Server

I finally connected my MacBook up to our company’s Exchange Server. I found adding Mail accounts to Entourage to be a great experience. I loved how easy it was to connect my Yahoo mail account — just added my email address and Entourage took care of the rest. Exchange was a bit more work, but […]

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