Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-30
How did Windows Mobile get any market share? What a joke. Please show me a good app. Show me a UI guide. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-29
Airlines charging extra for an eisle or window seat? I hate the airlines. They are cutting their own throats. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-25
Wow. Is this why @Windley has his own bee hives? # Yehaw. I can have MMS … again. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-24
In Lotus Notes 8.5 training. I know you're all jealous! #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-22
Skullcandy CEO is up for Entrepreneur Mag’s €œEntrepreneur of the Year.€ Cast your vote #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-19
Sportscular's iPhone app has cool poll to predict winner and adds a location summary. West favors BYU. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-15
Enjoying Muse's new Resistance release on the drive to work. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-04
Obama's speech to school kids is a joke. What are parents so afraid of? It's nothing compared to what kids face daily from peers or TV. # Billionaire former tech exec Tom Siebel charged, trampled, and gored by Elephant in Tanzania. Alive and recovering. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-02
Apple needs organization options for all the apps on my iPhone. Alpha sort. Frequent use. Category. An iTunes drag-drop preview. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-09-01
Pausing to tell the world I "love" Catch Hell Blues from The White Stripes off Icky Thump. Just saying. So 6th St Austin. # I've made it 43 years without glasses. But this monitor is starting to look "different" to me. Knotting an 18 dry fly? no way. # I would NOT pay $40 to […]