Not at Apple store waiting for an iPhone

Amy’s a faithful iCal and Address Book and iPhoto user on her Mac. She’s been syncing and using her iPod for contacts and calendar and photo items for some time now…. Here’s what’s shown.Also got the update notice for iTunes 7.3 which includes a preference for an iPhone.

A Brand Impersonator

Despite all the transplants from Southern Cal, we still don’t have have our own In-N-Out Burger…. It’s likely the Chadder’s can live off the hard work and brand building done by In-N-Out, at least in the short run…. Every business needs to be built on their own brand and incorporate experiences that give the brand strength to stand on its own in the face of market change, competition, price wars, and even impersonators.

Emotional Roller Coaster

My youngest is about to turn 3 years old. She’s an emotional machine with the able to switch from happy to tears back to all smiles all within a few seconds. The past week has been interesting with all her older siblings at home from school. Each night she’s overly tired and just needs to […]

Connect Magazine Column / Article

I am writing the Social Media Standouts article in Connect Magazine on new media publishing and social networking–with some help from Cydni Tetro and/or Tim Kapp. The first article is out in the May issue. I have added the article below. You can also read the article online at Next month’s article is on […]