Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-24

Why can't Apple just use microUSB on the device end? Why another cable? Ya, I know….money, money, money. #

Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-17

My 2nd favorite Radiohead song. ♫ Everything in Its Right Place – Radiohead #Spotify # Drug addiction is taxing our society at epic proportions. #

Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-05

Walmart in Cedar Hills. A Blackhawk chopper is across the street at Lone Peak High School,. #

Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-04

I love reading @DaringFireball. Like the iPhone as first portable computer vs expensive phone post #

Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-03

Listening to Band of Horses. Look forward to seeing them at Twilight Concert 7/26 in The Great Salt Lake. #