Multiple Marketing Messages. One Brand Promise.
Having produced many podcasts myself, I must confess I’m a big fan of Brian Martin‘s Brand Fast-Trackers series. The quality of conversation and the recording make it stand out above the average. I look forward to the guests, the insight, and the learning I get from listening. John Adams, the CEO of The Martin Agency, […]
Cool Gadget
Now this is one cool gadget and another stick in my eye for not listening to my Mother who begged me to stick with piano lessons as a boy. Here’s one more reason for young boys and girls to stick with their lessons. The Yamaha notepad / keyboard hybrid concept: “Key for Journey.” This is […]
World Grain Stock at a 35 Year Low
The price of food is on the rise. As a story and charts from the Wall Street Journal show, rice (prices up a whopping 134 percent), wheat, corn, and soy are all above a 60 percent increase over the last 52 weeks. Cargill, a large international provider of food, agricultural and risk management products and […]
Need Entrepreneurial Activity in Alternative Fuels
I’m amazed at how far behind we are in coming to a solution of our own energy crisis. As Americans, we are the most energy sucking people on the planet–far outpacing any other group. “According to the Department of Energy’s most recent data on greenhouse gas emissions, in 2006 the U.S. emitted 5.8 billion metric […]
Congratulations to my Friends at SCPR
One year anniversary party. Congratulations to Cheryl and the entire team.
Twitter vs. Blogging
I’ve been sucked into the black hole of Twitter. Because Twitter is so convenient and easy to communicate on, I’ve slacked here. I’ll be back to blogging. Twitter is still interesting to me, but there is so much self promotion and people trying to figure out how to use the medium that it’s getting tiring. […]
Guest on CouchCast
I joined Robert Merrill, Thom Allen, and Michael Reinbold to talk about the forming of Rocky Mountain Voices, social media, and the future of marketing via social mediums. I even go out on a limb and talk about how marketing agencies will rise to the occasion and excel at social media. Thanks for including me […]