Apple iPhone…if the rumor is true, it’s GSM
May retract this tomorrow, but latest rumor is Cingular is the carrier for an Apple iPhone…. However, Cingular’s lack of cutting edge data networking clearly suggests that the first-gen phone would be media centric (surprise, surprise) and less data centric.
Dallen and friends become radio talk hosts
I was able to recruit Dallen, Davis, and Parker into playing the radio host role. Here the boys of rock discuss Wolfmother, The Beatles, and finally Led Zeppelin.
Top market for Tablet PCs — Education
We expect big things from this product both in education and in consumer retail.”Education is a nice fit since students use highlighters and add notes. Just need to get those books in digital format.The total market size for Tablet PCs is still a tiny niche with an expected 4 or 5 million total unit shipments by 2009, down from a far more aggressive 14 million units expected (and this has been ratcheted down each year since the launch in the fall 2002).
Cool MP3 player comparison in WSJ
With the big rebranded-reskinned Toshiba Gigabeat Microsoft’s Zune announcement today, Wall Street Journal posted a cool page that compares the big name devices today.
iTV…I’m buying one
Merry Christmas Brad!
Is the Facebook’s flash going, going, gone?
Now it appears that the Facebook is opening the doors to old gomers everywhere (just like me)…. If user of Facebook were up in arms about privacy for notification of wall postings and other automated “feeds,” just imagine how the net generation will feel when they have old people everywhere peeping into their inside world.
The Medialist: Final Scoring
Looks like I finished the event with the following: Gross Scores: tied for 20th place (39 people entered) Net Scores: 16th place (39 people entered)
WeKoPa, an 89 and high score for the year!
My 8th shot was a tiny 6 incher, and I was off to the 10th hole with fire in belly and as swirling of swear words in my head.
My favorite part of the event: reserved parking
But nothing can compare to a guy in a tie meeting you in the parking lot, asking your name, and then directing you the the “second space to your right” where I found my “reserved” parking spot…. Finished the back at +6 by chipping and putting like a fool and hitting one long birdie putt.
Humbled. Frustrated. Beaten down.
Shot an 88. Brutal. Some breeze. But playing from the tips changes the course big time. 6 penalty strokes.
keep looking »