Ahhh. So that’s where Huntington Creek is at…
All these years and I finally found where the "blue ribbon" fly fishing was that everyone had been talking about all these years. The fish in the picture had three flies in his jaw: mine (red humpy), a copper bead-head pheasant tail nymph, and some attractor elk hair caddis bug. Took seven cutthroat trout in […]
Twitter ramblings for 2010-07-31
Been working way to hard for sure–I missed BRMC's Beat the Devil's Tatoo release in MARCH 2010. #
Twitter ramblings for 2010-07-30
Seriously. I need to review the past 36 mths of UTC events to see number and % with "new media" or "social" as the key topic. #
Twitter ramblings for 2010-07-27
Oprah's secret teen prostitution? Oh the insanity… http://post.ly/owQY # Email snapshots from video security camera http://post.ly/ovmG #
Oprah’s secret teen prostitution? Oh the insanity…
Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous
Email snapshots from video security camera
I’m finding that my always-on digital video security camera catches some fun images. It’s cool to look at images being captured even when you are away and not actively looking through a viewfinder for pictures to take. Here’s a priceless little moment of two six-year old girls playing in the rain. Oh the feelings and […]
Twitter ramblings for 2010-07-25
Bookending the day with a full moon rising http://post.ly/ofbD # I'm finding the beauty of the sunrise a bit distracting for fishing. http://twitpic.com/286w7l # Standing in Henry's Fork of the Snake River. http://twitpic.com/286sup # Kinda brings chills. http://twitpic.com/286ql8 # So this is what ot looks like before sunup. Taking a quick drive to Henry's Fork […]
Bookending the day with a full moon rising
Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone Lens: John S Flash: Off Film: Kodot Verichrome Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous
Twitter ramblings for 2010-07-24
The Tetons are so impressive. Their beauty always causes me to reflect on the grandeur of the Earth and my smallness in the universe. # Ugh. Road construction. http://post.ly/oUdP #
Ugh. Road construction.
3 hours driving avg speed only 55. Back the the “Carter” years. I can hear Sammy singing “I can’t drive 55”. Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous
keep looking »