Marketers Host Geek Show…
Maybe Niroshan Ramachandran who worked on the Human Genome project and is now leading the charge on Proteomics…. Happy to share the marketing stage w/ Bruce or Cyd any day, of course I’m the only one geeky enough to have a blog (that’s also setup on my own domain…with a self install of WordPress)…. 😉 While I’m at it, if the geeks are looking to bring other marketing experts to town, I’d also love to hear from Al Ries or Laura his daughter (my favorite book on marketing is still “Positioning”).
TaylorMade Golf’s Product & Brand Man, Sean Toulon
Working with tour players like Sergio Garcia, Retief Goosen, Darren Clark, John Daly, Paula Creamer, and on and on. Working with an engineering team that pushes the limits of aerospace materials and design strategies to create 460cc marvels of art and function. As Sean said, “golfers are a pretty passionate group.”I learned that Sean was the guy behind the product, business, and marketing plans to create and launch the R7 driver. As he said in the podcast, he arrived at a European tour event on a Monday night with drivers in hand for testing.