Twitter ramblings for 2011-07-31

Moochies. Yum. #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-07-30

Agree! @Jeff_Isaacs “…upset over the @SeattlePD tweets yesterday needs to calm down. [It's] 99%…chatter…1% important Beiber news.” # So Apple has $76B in cash, more on hand than US Treasury. I DEMAND A APPLE TAX RETURN. 😉 #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-07-28

2 days until exit interview. #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-07-26

Last week at Logitech. I've really enjoyed working on Logitech Alert. A new adventure awaits in 7 more days. More to come. #

Is this messaging a bit soft: Smoking kills

Seen on case packages in the duty free shop in Mexico. Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous

Another Barbie Product: Perfume

You’ve seen all the Barbie products I snapshot. From Pop-Tarts to Eggo Waffles. Now I’ve found another. Barbie “Fabulous” Perfume. The glam in those straight-across-bangs really speaks volumes. Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous

My stock ride at Logitech

Just read Larry Page added $1.9B to his wealth from Google’s stock performance. My ride at Logitech hasn’t delivered the same results. The crosshairs show my start date. Maybe it’s me. Maybe I am the mariner and need jump off to release the spell. Sent from my iPad Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous

Twitter ramblings for 2011-07-16

I agreed! Visit it! “@gclapp: The best 404 (Not Found) page on the Internet:” #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-07-15

I love watching "The Open" Championship. Love golf in UK. Similar, but different sport than here in the USA. # In Logan for USU's freshman orientation. Son is enrolling in engineering program. Proud papa today–even though it's not BYU. 😉 #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-07-14

BGR's report on RIM and it reminded me or Ryan Block's 2007 letter to Palm #

keep looking »