Twitter ramblings for 2011-02-27
Played with a Moto Xoom. As much as I want to, I just can't get into tablets. They feels so limiting. I still think iPad is best. # Provo Canyon is beautiful. Wish I were fishing. See blue sky near Deer Creek. #
FaceTime from my Mac
Purchased the $0.99 FaceTime HD app from the Mac App Store. Hard to believe that they are charging $0.99 for an app that is restricted to Apple-only products. Oh well, it was only $0.99. Called my daughter. Grabbed some screenshots. Now if only I could use my Mac full time again, I’d be able to […]
Twitter ramblings for 2011-02-19
Listenin to Radiohead's new album: The King Of Limbs. #
Twitter ramblings for 2011-02-17
Amen! @pramsey: I always think my apps are clunky on the BlackBerry, until I see other apps work, sigh BlackBerry isn't a good platform. # Gail Ennis moves from Omniture CMO role to CEO post at Karmasphere. #
Twitter ramblings for 2011-02-16
really hoping the iPhone 5 is NOT a 4" or worse, bigger screen. I'll by a MacBook Air or Tablet if I want a bigger screen! Go smaller. #
Twitter ramblings for 2011-02-08
Google TV design template released. Web on a big screen is going to be a big business for designers and UX teams. #
Twitter ramblings for 2011-02-03
From tonight's David Letterman monologue: Egyptian Pres Hosni Mubarak will be replaced by his idiot son Hosni "W" Munarak. #
Twitter ramblings for 2011-02-01
Go get 'em Josh! “@TechCrunch: Instructure Launches To Root Blackboard Out Of Universities by @arrington†#