Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-30
If you need to take screen shots of an application on BlackBerry OS, bbscreenshooter works great. LOVE the auto numbering output to PNG. # Hobs: "Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind." # Additionally, HTML5 does not support live streaming. […]
Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-29
HP enters the mobile OS space. Interesting that HP snatched Palm from IBM. I see hardware synergy. At first glance WebOS doesn't fit. # RT @boygeniusreport: HP purchases Palm for $1.2 billion # My iPad view matches Android boss Andy Rubin's: "demographic that consumes more than produces." #
Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-28
Just what I've always wanted: Fiber in my Froot Loops. # Hard to believe I was such a BlackBerry fan. Been back using one. I guess moving from Palm to RIM was a big gain "back then." #
Just what I’ve always wanted: Fiber in my Froot Loops.
via tweetie Posted via web from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous
Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-27
Have I told you lately that I still hate wires around my computer? # Meetings start at 9:30. Go all day until 5:00. Call at lunch. Full day. #
Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-25
Cut down UPS Padded Pak makes nice iPad cover #
Cut down UPS Padded Pak makes nice iPad cover
Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous
Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-22
My Comcast data usage was approx 50% of the cap last month. #
Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-20
Pawn Stars is my favorite TV show. See it on History channel. # Hurray! I have installed the Android SDK and all other necessary file do I can create screen grabs. Way too hard compared to iPhone. #
Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-19
Trump: "I like bandanas. If I were in the industry, I'd wear a bandana." #
keep looking »