Twitter ramblings for 2011-10-30

At Captain America and the Captain showed up. #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-10-29

I love @flyfishsage. Despite a slip up by a local fly shop, Sage is building me a new rod they stopped selling yrs ago (SLT). THANKS! # Thought Cardinals and Ranger game 6 tonight was about as good as it gets. Took me back 10 years to DBack – Yankees series. All on line Fri. […]

Twitter ramblings for 2011-10-18

I'm speechless. A commercial on TV for this? #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-10-15

Wow. AT&T has already "doubled its single-day activation record" today with iPhone 4S. Two more to come tonight. # My iPhone 4S is at home. I'm not there. #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-10-08

ATT site down. Apple store down. Reliving this all over again. #

Personal Goal Realized: App I work on featured by Apple.

Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous

Twitter ramblings for 2011-10-07

Morning another post season without a world series. Weak effort tonight Yankees. #

Twitter ramblings for 2011-10-06

Txt from Al Luckow's iPhone to my iPhone arrives. October 5, 2011. 5:42 PM MST. "Steve Jobs just passed away. Sad day." # Walt Mossberg tributes Steve Jobs in a personal, heartfelt manner. Brovo. Great read. #