I like M83
#NowPlaying M83 — Splendor on #Spotify http://t.co/JpmuvHe7 #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-01-10
I've wondered if the 4S would pull more Verizon users (didn't want 4). Looks like it did. Plus Sprint. http://t.co/sMslqZ0b # of course AT&T LTE only in select markets. # Microsoft beats Apple with LTE on AT&T. Getting jealous of the Android and Windows user getting the speed. http://t.co/Rc5LwjsS # Truth. “@ryan @cdixon re: consumer […]
Twitter ramblings for 2012-01-06
All eggs in one RIM basket? Good luck guys. http://t.co/KvtkEjRQ #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-01-05
If it over 32, don't "fit in" shopping there. “@chrisknudsen: Or if your waistline is bigger than 38…RT @jmchood: … jeans at Buckle.†#
Twitter ramblings for 2012-01-04
How my mom washes the carrots from her garden. http://t.co/8iq0JEe2 #
How my mom washes the carrots from her garden.
Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous
Twitter ramblings for 2012-01-03
$3.5M for a 30 sec spot during Super Bowl. http://t.co/ivPABdSw # Update process is broken for consumers buying Android. Until this changes, Apple has the advantage. "Clopen" story: http://t.co/C2Pdkvgf #