Not at Apple store waiting for an iPhone
Phil Windley’s been giving updates from The Gateway in Salt Lake City. Scoble and son have been in Palo Alto since yesterday morning. I’m a bit bummed that I’m not at an Apple store.
Amy wants an iPhone. I’m sure she’ll get one. This is a rare time when I’ll let Amy be the guinea pig. Amy’s a faithful iCal and Address Book and iPhoto user on her Mac. She’s been syncing and using her iPod for contacts and calendar and photo items for some time now. She’s got an old, old Nokia. She has told me for 6 months she’s gonna get an iPhone.
Just went to Apple’s online store. Here’s what’s shown. Guess I better have my finger on the trigger at 6:00 PM PST.
Also got the update notice for iTunes 7.3 which includes a preference for an iPhone.
Purchased Amy’s phone online at 7:15 PM PST. Should be here within two weeks.