Is there more gold to mine in tech?
I’m not sure why I’m so mesmerized by Windows 7. Maybe it’s because I’m hopeful that Microsoft’s effort will once again drive lots of sales for the tech sector. I know that this sounds strange and perhaps unbelievable coming from a Mac fanboy. Sure the iPhone has driven lots of new revenue. But it’s not […]
I like this PC and Mac commercial
Windows 7 is far away better than XP. I’ve used the beta, RC, and the RTM version since January 2009. It’s starts up fast, goes to sleep fast, and appears pretty solid on the hibernate. My apps have run just fine. I’m moving my one Windows machine to the shipping version of Windows 7. Even […]
Mac Owners are Snobs…so says Mindset Media
Well, I’m guilty to a few claims published in report from Mindset Media. TheStreet created a video based on the report. Some of the activities / attitudes associated with Mac users are listed below. Not sure that I’m all, but certainly some are spot on. Watch and see if you agree. to be perfectionists [well, […]
Installed the New Microsoft Office 2008
Playing tonight with the new Microsoft Office for Mac. Office is pretty critical for me to interact with clients I consult with. I may be able to adapt to Pages, Numbers, and Keynote; however, my clients feel better when I don’t have to make excuses for using a Mac. Microsoft Office has been the LAST […]
Don’t GIVE UP on Vista
Vista is the first operating system from Microsoft since Windows 98 that I did not use "before" it was officially released. To be honest, I’m feeling a little lost and not sure what I’m missing. I just might have to install it somewhere to play and experience it for myself. In the mean time, the […]
David Progue Slams Windows Mobile 6
After reading the article in The New York Times, “Reaching for Apple, Falling Short,” David Pogue highlights a few frustrations with the wireless and mobile device market. First, carriers have us over the barrel on what functionality the device will support (e.g., I’d try a BlackBerry Curve but ATT has removed WiFi support). Additionally, carriers […]
$240M for Less Than Two Percent of Facebook
A billion news and blog posts about the announcement that Microsoft shelled out $240 million for a 1.6% stake in Facebook Inc. If you want details, you’ll easily find it. I scoffed in the past about the longevity of Facebook and it’s “$Billion” valuation when Yahoo was rumored to be after Facebook…. The investors that have money in Facebook today must be writhing their hands on getting this baby into the public market.
Zimbra Goes to Yahoo
I will be interested to see the integration and evolution of Zimbra once inside Yahoo…. As a BlackBerry user, I’ve been a bit disappointed by the solution through a third party outside Zimbra — also learned that the Pearl isn’t supported. We BlackBerry users need a good alternative to the BB Enterprise / Exchange Server stronghold
Is Microsoft Begging Students to Buy/Use Office
I was glad to have it compared to the typewriter, a bottle of whiteout, and lots of wasted paper…. That throws out the standard pricing models the rest of the software industry use to calculate value. And what’s included in this “Ultimate Package:” * Word * Excel * PowerPoint * Oulook (with Business Contact Manager) * Accounting Express * Publisher * Access * Infopath * Groove * OneNote Is this another sign that the monopolistic power in Redmond is nervous about Google’s and others web-based apps that allow today’s students to collaborate and work on any computer at any location on or off campus — or even on mobile devices like the iPhone?
IE7 vs. FF2
Amazingly, in Europe Firefox is picking up market share in huge strides…. Stats according to iTWire:Only about one third of IE users have adopted IE7 compared to 85% of FF users who have adopted the latest version of the browser, FF2. Significantly, FF2 has a greater market share than IE7 in 17 European territories, while IE7 is ahead of FF2 in 16 territories.Been a Firefox (or Mozilla’s Camino browser) user for the past 18 months myself.
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