World-wide Productivity Slips but Gains Things on iPhone

I remember last year, June 29th. Productivity came to a standstill. People were in lines to get iPhones. I figured we’d have a repeat tomorrow on July 11th. But I was off by a day. This morning, on my drive into Salt Lake City, I heard from @windley on Twitter that the iPhone 2.0 firmware […]

Design is so Underrated in Tech

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. Here’s an Apple iMac vs. typical Dell desktop computer. I had some friends over the other day. He was amazed at the lack of cabling at my iMac in the family room. I actually “added” a network cable because I wanted full-speed, 100 Mbps data transfers inside […]

Social Experiment in Branding

Brand is more than a logo. And the new web application shows this. Brand is what’s in someone’s head based on their interaction with the company / product. It can be generic, specific, good, or bad. Marketers influence this through advertising, packaging, voice greetings, logo, color, athletes, price, and more. What people ultimately associate, […]

Four (4) Million iPhones Already

I’m still amazed at all the iPhones that have been sold. At the BlogHaus, the iPhone was the rule — and my BlackBerry was the exception. Someday I’m sure I’ll pack one. But not without copy and paste, 3G, and Bluetooth sync. Ars Technica offers some great insight, including this market share quote from Gartner […]

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