World Trade Center movie
What causes these men and women to have the bravery and willingness to sacrifice so much for other people?… And finally, the hundreds and later thousands of volunteers who put their skills and training to use find survivors.
Introduction to Gulf Cooperation Council…and oil profits
As Mr. Hall points out, the $10B losses in Lebanon from the Israel and Hezbulah is ONLY TWO PERCENT (2.5%) of the total profits from this years profits.From article in the Desert News:”Consider that the damage to Lebanon’s infrastructure and economy in general after a monthlong conflict with Israel is broadly estimated at about $10 billion…. When will we be able to capitalize on world-wide economic demand that we can use for core infrastructure investment?From the IIF press release announcing GCC summary report:’IIF Managing Director Charles Dallara stated, “The oil windfall has supported increased government spending, and lifted domestic confidence, resulting in an investment boom.
Moment of silence for service men/women in Iraq
The invasion was fast and destructive. We flexed our muscle and showed the bully-like strength of a superpower. Now, three years later, we resort to defending ourselves from homemade bombs on the streets as strangers in a strange land. I love America. I’m grateful to our service men and women and the great honor they […]