Fishing with Bridget on Thanksgiving Day

A friend of mine has a tradition of fishing on Thanksgiving. Sounded good to me. Fish in the morning and eat in the afternoon.

This year I tried to recruit the boys to go with me. They’d been in the “winter” and quickly passed. My oldest girl, however, was all go.

We fished just below the Deer Creek dam at the top of Provo Canyon. It was cold — I was cold. My little 11 year old girl froze her little fingers and toes off. But as you can see from the picture, she sure looked cute in the waders and boots. I was glad we caught a few fish to show for our efforts.


One Response to “Fishing with Bridget on Thanksgiving Day”

  1. Dave on December 5th, 2007 2:55 pm


    Great picture! Glad you and Bridget got out. She’ll be a master fly caster one day! The boys missed a great chance to be out with you.