Relocating Water in the West
I just watched the program, “Desert Wars: Water and the West” on Salt Lake’s KUED public television station. Very interesting program.
The value of water is undeniable. Unfortunately, it’s hard to put borders on underground aquifers. Sharing water around the west is a serious issue. People relocating to Las Vegas, Phoenix, and even smaller towns like St. George Utah or Mesquite Nevada make these western cities among the fastest growing cities in the USA. This growth is putting strains on resource needs, particularly water.
As I watched the program, I saw both sides of the issue. People who have water today through existing springs and underground aquifers certainly are justified in their fear of loss of the water they rely on. Those who live in the city are reliant upon their governments to provide for them.
I couple of items I feel strongly about:
- Northern Utah uses too much water on landscaping (including yours truly). We need to change. As the second driest state (behind Nevada), we need to be more like those in Las Vegas who have adopted a “desert” lifestyle and decor.
- Just because a high-growth location is filled with opportunity, it doesn’t mean that the growing location should get higher priority or is more justified in getting the water.
- Las Vegas is more than gambling and “sin city” lifestyle. Utahans need to realize this and stop judging and stereotyping.
- It’s impossible to place a value on the loss of Bonneville cutthroat trout or migratory birds that have used springs in the desert as resting spots.
- Ranchers are as important as businessmen. Unfortunately, ranchers and their lifestyle don’t always afford the financial opportunities to defend themselves against deeper pockets.
The full transcript of the show is available here.