Sahar talking about Blackboard Backpack

Originally uploaded by bdb2005.

Last week at BbWorld, Sahar Javadi and I spent time talking about and demonstrating a new product called Blackboard Backpack. Agilix, my employer, has worked closely with Blackboard to develop the Backpack application.

Backpack works on a student’s laptop computer and helps them download and manage all the information professors add to the Blackboard online system, stay organized with a calendar of assignments and due dates, and take searchable, digital notes on their computer. If you think about how iTunes works, Backpack is very similar. Backpack connects to the student’s account at their school’s Blackboard account. All the course information posted to the web is downloaded and stays in sync when new items are posted or if things change.

Dan Cane, a Blackboard Founder and current VP of R&D, joined in on the fun. Dan’s the “executive sponsor” of Backpack inside Blackboard. He uses Backpack for courses he’s taking at George Washington University in DC.

Two of the highlights for me at the event included:


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