Mac Mini Tablet PC Mod
Peter Green’s mod on the Mac Mini is quite a feat…. The challenge to get user, developer, and retail adoption is enough to make me tired.
Top market for Tablet PCs — Education
We expect big things from this product both in education and in consumer retail.”Education is a nice fit since students use highlighters and add notes. Just need to get those books in digital format.The total market size for Tablet PCs is still a tiny niche with an expected 4 or 5 million total unit shipments by 2009, down from a far more aggressive 14 million units expected (and this has been ratcheted down each year since the launch in the fall 2002).
Quoted in Blackboard’s Blog
Melissa Chotiner, Public Relations Manager, at Blackboard has posted an article on Tablet PCs to the Blackboard Educate Innovate Blog ( I offered a few comments on Tablets. Tracy Hooten, one of three students who created the site StudentTabletPC (, was also quoted.