Digital Recluse: the New Internet Famous

While I was reading Paul Carr‘s blog post, “Thnks Fr Th Mmrs: The Rise Of Microblogging, The Death Of Posterity,” I had a flash back. The quote the stuck out for me was this: “… in an age when everyone and their dog is sharing every aspect of their life, being a digital recluse is […]

A Post from Android

Cool. I saw Joseph Scott’s Twitter post that a native Android app for WordPress was available. I’m using it now. Guess where I’m posting this from?

Twitter Error : gateway timeout – HTTP 503 response

Anyone else tired of this Twitter Error? Is this a Twitter API issue or a Twitterific issue? Regardless, I’m just wishing that the insanity with uptime would stop. “There was a “gateway timeout – HTTP 503 response” error while communicating with Twitter. This is a problem with their server, so contact Twitter at if […]

The Power of Community

I’m amazed at Twitter. In fact Twitter may be the biggest case study in the strength of a digital community. Despite its regular outages that would have crushed any other Web business (1.0 or 2.0), I come back and everyone else I know is still is there too. We complain. We get frustrated. But we […]

Twitter vs. Blogging

I’ve been sucked into the black hole of Twitter. Because Twitter is so convenient and easy to communicate on, I’ve slacked here. I’ll be back to blogging. Twitter is still interesting to me, but there is so much self promotion and people trying to figure out how to use the medium that it’s getting tiring. […]

Guest on CouchCast

I joined Robert Merrill, Thom Allen, and Michael Reinbold to talk about the forming of Rocky Mountain Voices, social media, and the future of marketing via social mediums. I even go out on a limb and talk about how marketing agencies will rise to the occasion and excel at social media. Thanks for including me […]

Automattic’s Matt Mullenweg on Funding and Futures

Your browser does not support JavaScript. This media can be viewed at I was able to meet Matt Mullenweg, the founder of Automattic and the person behind, WordPress, the same software you are using right now on House of Matt is a great guy. He has a lot going for him. And at […]

Matt Mullenweg Visits Utah

Joseph Scott arranges a visit by Matt Mullenweg of Automattic, makers of WordPress. Mullenweg comes down from Park City and joins a bunch of the Utah Geeks at a spicy Indian restaurant. Seen in this quick pan shot video (sorry to miss some of you I don’t know): Thom Allen Tyler Whitaker Jeff Norris Matt […]

Elementary, My Dear Watson!

Not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but my blog readability is rated and "elementary school" level. What’s yours?

Feature Story on PodTech

It so rarely happens, but one of the stories I posted to is the feature story. Wendy Piersall is the creator of the leading home-based business blog, eMoms at Home.

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