Twitter ramblings for 2010-04-05
- iPhone could be a near 10 with Google cloud app setup experience–no pc required. I still can't fit an iPad in any of my pockets. #
- On a scale of 1-10, 10 being highest, iPad is 6. iPhone is 8. OSX my 1st MacBook Pro 9. Android setup 8. Android daily use 6. No 10s yet. #
- iPad battery, processor, and screen are the tech intros, NOT the OS. A future version running real OS is needed (and no tether to iTunes). #
- iPad is $200 too expensive as a consumption device–32GB should be priced at $299. Netbook gives more "creative" power at $299. #
- iPad is about consumption, not creation. If you want to be creative, you need something else. Want to read, watch, or browse, it's okay. #
- iPad loves: great browser experience–except for no Flash. Email good reading experience; poor respond experience (iPhone better). Screen. #
- iPad is a weak computer. I want to do more. I hate icons all over. Say iPhone apps work is a technical, not visual reality. Strike 3. #
- Typing on the iPad is truly pecking. Device too big to reach the center with both thumbs. Input is not optimal; iPhone is better. Strike 2. #
- Why does Apple force iTunes? Compared to Android setup, iPad feels antiquated. Strike 1. #