Twitter ramblings for 2012-10-05
24 years ago, I was standing next to a beautiful woman wearing a wedding gown. Happy she's put up with me, even when I didn't deserve her. #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-10-01
Car is old. #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-08-28
Bring on the day when computing, especially mobile, doesn't kill your battery by 2:00 PM. #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-08-25
Sure would like to play golf at Jeremy Ranch. Anyone looking for a playing partner tomorrow? #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-08-09
Anyone here in Utah that has used Transifex web tool to manage their localization projects? #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-08-03
My Morning Jacket. Aug 2, 2012 #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-24
Why can't Apple just use microUSB on the device end? Why another cable? Ya, I know….money, money, money. #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-17
My 2nd favorite Radiohead song. ♫ Everything in Its Right Place – Radiohead #Spotify # Drug addiction is taxing our society at epic proportions. #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-05
Walmart in Cedar Hills. A Blackhawk chopper is across the street at Lone Peak High School,. #
Twitter ramblings for 2012-07-04
I love reading @DaringFireball. Like the iPhone as first portable computer vs expensive phone post #
keep looking »