Twitter ramblings for 2010-12-08

I love the connection of physical product to the design and interaction of the digital interface. # Participating in discussion on trends in CE industrial design. I dig this stuff. #

Six Year Old’s Artwork–Fangirl?

See and download the full gallery on posterous I promise I’m not doing anything to instill this brand loyalty, but my little six (6) year drew a picture at church today. I did no coaching, oversight, or correction. Below is the result. Notice the brand identity. The chicklet keys. All the identities that say Apple […]

Twitter ramblings for 2010-12-04

San Jose man uses iPhone and Logitech Alert cameras to bust robbers – San Jose Mercury News # Play Conference Call Bingo! You're stuck, so you may as well have fun when you're on a call. # I've been using a BlackBerry Torch for past 24 hours. If this is the answer to […]

Hard to complain about a commute with this view.

Posted via email from Brad Baldwin’s Posterous

Twitter ramblings for 2010-12-01

Great bumper sticker: Give yourself the 'bird. w/ Snowbird logo. # What you need to hit it really big in legitimate commerce is an authoritarian sensibility that limits users to doing what you want them to." # "Good code empowers users by giving them choices and options, but empowered users aren't necessarily good for business." […]

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