Twitter ramblings for 2009-07-11
I've listened to Human Highway's "The Sound" about 25 times today. Just love the emotion, harmony, tempo, and sound. Great opening. #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-07-10
I had a Pepsi Throwback at lunch. Wow. It was good. Reminded me of being a kid and drinking a Pepsi with my Grandpa Beattie. # Thanks Steve. Can you fix @DirecTV 's $200 contract exit? 😉 RT @ComcastSteve: @bradbaldwin we are here to listen, discuss and fix… # RT @decriptor: @bradbaldwin I can't stand […]
Twitter ramblings for 2009-07-08
Borba skin water @ $2.39 a bottle. # A "skin balance water" brand? Borba from Woodland Hills, CA claiming interesting benefits. We marketers keep finding new & narrower niches. # Gotta get motocycle license. RT @UtahGov: RT @TravelUtah: Rent a Harley in Moab and tour Utah's National Parks – # Just purchased @mutemath […]
Happy Birthday
Amazing how fast five years pass. While some nightmares send you to wake me in the middle of the night, some morning require bowls of Cheerios, and some squeals are caused by fighting with brothers and sisters, I still am so happy to have you in my life.
Grassy Knoll Girls
Amy took the girls to Idaho to hang out with their cousins. What great memories are made on these trips. Too bad the distance is so far between some of the cousins since there is so much fun had when everyone gets together.
Trek Boys
When I was younger, I went on a pioneer trek experience as part of a 24th of July celebration. It was a life memory. When the boys had the opportunity to do the same, I was excited for them. Here is a shot of the boys at the end of the event.
Twitter ramblings for 2009-07-07
I say yes. RT cydtetro RT @stephendaviscxo: Is Facebook Past Its Prime? # Interesting…New algorithm guesses SSNs using date and place of birth. # Holy cow @jeremyhanks. What an adventure with your leg. # Good. RT @lydahl: U. demands HBO cut its logo from 'Big Love' episode #SLC #utah # How embarrassing. […]
Twitter ramblings for 2009-07-06
Gizmodo — Nokia N97 Review: Nokia is doomed. # NYPizza just East off I-15 &Bangerter has a Tuesday special buy 18" pie, get 14" pie free. Good tweetup meeting place. # WSJ: Justice Dept. Launches Informal Review of U.S. Telecom Industry. # 3 jobs open in Logitech Draper UT office. 1) Office Manager, […]
Twitter ramblings for 2009-07-05
Andy Roddick played awesome. I was sad to see you get so close this time without bringing the win home. Great show. Try again! #
Twitter ramblings for 2009-07-03
I bought some Oakley glasses after seeing so many PGA Tour players wearing. I tried, but Maui Jim is so much better for glare. MJ's for me. # Andy Roddick you just made me proud! Good luck on Sunday morning in Wimbeldon. # On a scale of 1-10 green meter, Provo Canyon is an 11! […]
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